The US National Library of Medicine, part of the National Institute for Health, explains further, "Stressful events and negative emotions can have clinically significant consequences for many aspects of the immune response, including inflammation...The central nervous system (CNS), the endocrine system, and the immune system interact with each other, and a variety of stressors ranging from academic examinations to marital conflict to caregiving for an impaired family member can dysregulate the immune response by affecting the interplay of these systems. These stress-related immune alterations can be consequential for health; they can also enhance susceptibility to infectious agents and influence the severity of infectious disease, diminish the strength of immune responses to vaccines, reactivate latent herpes viruses, and slow wound healing."
The simple explanation is that how we feel affects how we look. This is something we've all heard from our moms and grandmothers, but do we actively strive to compensate for the daily stressors of today's lifestyle? Below are three ways I'm working to help manage how stress shows up in my body, and most visibly to others, in my skin. Before you decide how to add a new stress-busting-skin-clearing activity to your day, please consider to choose what feels the most natural to add to your routine.